Create a post in e-Library
Create a post in e-Library
1. Swipe right. In the "Login" enter your login (username).
2. In the "Login" enter your password.
3. In the "Log", press "ENTER".
4. Move the mouse pointer to the menu "teachers".
5. Select the menu item "My publications".
6. Swipe down.
7. Click "Add account".
8. In the "Title" enter the name of educational material. For example, "Work Program of the course" Cytology "2009-2010 academic year."
9. Open list type of material.
10. Select the type of material. For example, "Work program / curriculum."
11. Swipe down.
12. In the "Section" open (click "+") section. For example, "Faculty of Physics, Mathematics and Computer Science".
13. Open the section of the department. For example, "disciplines of computer science, software engineering and economic cybernetics."
14. Swipe right.
15. Swipe down box section.
16. Click on the desired course. For example, "data analysis".
17. Open the list of "language content."
18. Select the language in which the created material. For example, "Ukrainian".
19. In the "Description" annotation to specify the material. For example, "Work Program of the course" Cytology "reveals the objectives and goals of the course and contains a list see lectures and practical modules."
20. Swipe down.
21. In the "Authors" indicate the author's material.
22. Click "Create".
23. The list of publications click to publish.
24. Swipe down.
25. Click "Dyv.zmist."
26. Click on the "+" "Add chapter".
27. Click "Add".
28. Swipe right.
29. Swipe down.
30. The menu for the publication, select the "Files of publication."
31. Swipe down.
32. In the "Upload New Files" then click "Select".
33. Click "Open."
34. Click "Download".
35. Swipe right.
36. Swipe down.
37. Entries menu click "Contents".
38. Click the mouse on the section.
39. Swipe down.
40. In the "Text" enter the name of the material. For example, "Work Program of the course" Analysis of data "in 2014-2015 academic year."
41. Click the icon huperssylok.
42. Press the "File Out"
43. click on the file work program.
44. Click "OK".
45. Swipe down.
46. Click "Save".
47. Entries menu, click "View Entries" to view educational material.
48. Swipe right.
49. Swipe down.
50. Entries menu, click "List of publication."
51. Click the established publications.
52. Swipe down.
53. Swipe right.
54. Click "Change status."


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