Add word to the glossary group
Adding word to the glossary group
1. Scroll to the left
2. In field "Authorization" enter your username.
3. In field "Authorization" enter your password.
4. In field "Authorization" press button "Enter".
5. At main menu choose "For Tutor".
6. Select link "My Groups".
7. At page "My Groups" choose needed group.
8. Scroll down.
9. Press button "Go to group".
10. Scroll to the right.
11. Scroll down.
12. In menu "Group Pages" press "Glossary".
13. Scroll down.
14. In "Word" field enter the word that you want to add.
15. In "Description" field enter value of chosen word.
16. At drop-down list "Language" select language in which you filled fields above.
17. Press button "Add"


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