Creating chat session
Creating chat session
1. In field "Authorization" enter your username.
2. In field "Authorization" enter your password.
3. In field "Authorization" press button "Enter".
4. At main menu choose "For Tutor".
5. Select link "My Groups".
6. At page "My Groups" choose needed group.
7. Scroll down.
8. Press button "Go to group".
9. In menu click link "Chats".
10. Press "Add record" button.
11. In "Title" field enter name of your chat session.
12. Enter "Period of carrying out" of start chat session.
13. Open start session list.
14. Select the time.
15. Enter "Period of carrying out" of end chat session.
16. Open end session list.
17. Select the time.
18. Choose "Not use the period"
19. Press button "Save"
20. To activate chat session, choose needed session.
21. Scroll down.
22. Press button "Edit record".
23. In "Chat session state" choose state that you need.
24. Press button "Save"


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